FAQ: Things I made with Haxe

A wireframe Haxe icon on a familiar calm blue background

Recently someone pointed out that they never knew that GMEdit was made in Haxe, and that you often don't even know that something was made in Haxe. Which is a pretty good point - for instance, you might suspect that a lot of things that I do have some parts of them written in Haxe, but never exact.

So, as for my activities, I looked over the local projects and formed a semi-comprehensive list of which of my works to date were made in Haxe, and to what extent (excluding ones still under non-disclosure agreements, obviously).

Also includes an opening on why I like Haxe anyway.

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A yellow accent skin for GameMaker Studio 2 (and how to make your own)

(click for full-window version)

As it becomes increasingly more apparent that many people are completely unware of GameMaker Studio 2 having a light skin and fail to recognize it as being GameMaker as such, I have decided to stop using it for screenshots in my assets/blog posts.

However, the default dark skin is a little boring, so I decided to make a custom one with a familiar yellow tone for accents. This also doubles as a general explanation on how to make skins.

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GameMaker: sprite_add_sprite in Studio / Studio 2

On this fine day[1], we're[2] proud to announce that we're bringing back everyone's[3] favourite GameMaker 8.x function!

That's right, we're bringing back sprite_add_sprite! 🎉

Now, you might be thinking either "this is not what I've expected" or "this is exactly what I expected [after reading the title] and I only have more questions now". You see, there's not always justification for things happening, sometimes they just do.

Should you actually need this function or if this introduction got you curious, take a seat and let me tell you a story (and some code),

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Small Haxe questions & answers

Sometimes I have one or other semi-obscure Haxe question, find nothing via search, and think "I feel like I asked about this before somewhere". And sometimes it turns out that yes, I did, but it usually takes a while to find what project houses the solution code, or where did I ask it.

This post is a small dump of such questions, mostly eventually self-answered.

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