Click for a full comic and having expectations set accordingly
With 10th month of 2020 almost over I am finally getting around to posting art as intended in last year's roundup.
Continue reading⚂ Who smiles with quiet defiance.
Click for a full comic and having expectations set accordingly
With 10th month of 2020 almost over I am finally getting around to posting art as intended in last year's roundup.
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It seems that questions about whether (and if so, to what extent) GameMaker: Studio and GameMaker Studio 2 games can be decompiled are being asked at a constant pace, and yet there are still no resources to clear up these questions. So I've decided to make a small post on the matter.
(originally published in May 2015, updated in 2019)
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A collection of answers on identity subjects.
Originally published in 2019, updated in 2022.
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