A summary of my GameMaker assets


This post serves as a collection of descriptions and links to various GameMaker-related assets and extensions that I have published over time.

Back when publishing it in 2017, I thought it was longer than expected, but it had since grown about twice in size. At least the blog has that "navigation" sidebar now.

Also should answer the "how do I support your work" question that some readers have.

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GameMaker: Window commands extension

Yesterday I made a GameMaker: Studio extension that provides a bunch of utility functions:

  • Allows to minimize/maximize/restore the window on demand.
  • Allows to disable/enable minimize button, maximize button, close button, and window movement.
  • Allows to override behavior for when minimize/maximize/close buttons are clicked.

It is available for free via itch.io; Some examples of uses follow.

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GameMaker: Flash window / taskbar button

Today I wrote a tiny GameMaker extension that allows to "flash" the game's window and/or it's taskbar button.

This is most often used to notify the user of something happening in the game while they don't have the window focused - for example, if you have some sort of matchmaking system in a multiplayer game, you'd want the user to become aware that someone joined their game even if the game window is currently minimized.

The extension is incredibly straightforward (a single function with "flags" for options), is documented, and includes C++ source code for ones curious about it.

itch.io Marketplace

GameMaker: Windows-specific functions for Studio

While working on one of recent projects, I've stumbled upon few common issues that many meet - even if you are only targeting Windows in GameMaker: Studio, you cannot access files outside the game's AppData directory (not even in program directory). Neither you can order system to open a file, meaning no external "readmes" to be easily hooked up with game, nor portable configuration files, and some other limitations.
So I took an evening and made a simplistic DLL library to bring equivalents to some functions (sleep, execute_shell, non-sandboxed I/O) back for Windows target. Function list is as following:

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