MouseLock & PointerLock for GameMaker

(click for web demo)

I made a small GameMaker: Studio extension that provides a unified API for "mouselock" between desktop and web (HTML5).

The way this works is by utilizing built-in mouse snapping functions on desktop targets, and using Pointer Lock API on HTML5. It bridges between the two, and you get simple functions like mouse_lock(), mouse_unlock(), and mouse_delta_x & mouse_delta_y for getting the mouse movement offset while mouse is locked.

So, if you ever wanted to make some web-based first-person shooters (or just games with mouselook) with GameMaker: Studio, now you can.

The extension is free and can be downloaded from or GameMaker: Marketplace.

Binary operations with lists on Twitter web

Binary operations with Twitter lists via web client

For quite a while now, Twitter has lists. Lists are nice - you can include people with them, and then view their posting on a separate page. Or view multiple of these at once if you are using TweetDeck.

The process of managing lists leaves some to be desired, though - if you want to do something like

  • Add all followed users to a list
  • Exclude all followed users from a list
  • Add all followers to a list
  • Add all members from a list to other list
  • Exclude all members of a list from another list

You are apparently expected to do so by using the little context menu on each user, picking "Add or remove from lists...", and then ticking/unticking the checkbox for the according list.

That's no fun. But, of course, this can be helped with a bit of JavaScript.

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Top-down bouncing loot effects

In action

A little while ago, I was asked about what would be a good approach to creating an effect for a top-down game where coins would fly out of a smashed object. Not recalling any tutorials on the matter, I've made an example of this exact thing, and this is a post detailing everything related to such an effect.

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“live-reloading” web pages via AutoIt

So I've been recently looking for something to help with micro-debugging (mostly verifying output) of my JavaScript+HTML applications via automatically reloading test page on source change, and found a variety of solutions,

A bit of a trouble, isn't it? For most purposes, it'd suffice to check for file time change and refresh the page in the browser. So might as well do that with help of AutoIt.

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