In this third-of-a-series post, I go over existing issues in GameMaker's data structure functions (some of which you might not have been aware of), and how to fix them.
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In this third-of-a-series post, I go over existing issues in GameMaker's data structure functions (some of which you might not have been aware of), and how to fix them.
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Computer mice these days tend to have additional buttons on sides/ and people periodically wonder whether they need to do anything particular to poll these buttons.
Continue readingThis post serves as a collection of descriptions and links to various GameMaker-related assets and extensions that I have published over time.
Back when publishing it in 2017, I thought it was longer than expected, but it had since grown about twice in size. At least the blog has that "navigation" sidebar now.
Also should answer the "how do I support your work" question that some readers have.
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It seems that questions about whether (and if so, to what extent) GameMaker: Studio and GameMaker Studio 2 games can be decompiled are being asked at a constant pace, and yet there are still no resources to clear up these questions. So I've decided to make a small post on the matter.
(originally published in May 2015, updated in 2019)
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A collection of answers on identity subjects.
Originally published in 2019, updated in 2022.
Continue reading(mouseover/click to play GIF) Script in action. See: Full-sized version; that wallpaper
If you have a display-less Wacom tablet (Wacom One/Intuos/etc.) and a large enough monitor (or monitors), mapping screen space to tablet can be a bit bothersome. But that can be fixed.
Continue readinglabel hello: select dialog("Hello! What would you like to do?") { option "Count to 5": for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i = i + 1) { wait(1); trace(i + "!"); } return 1; option "Nothing": jump yousure; } label yousure: select dialog("You sure?") { option "Yes": trace("Well then,"); return 0; option "No": jump hello; }
Example of supported syntax
As some might remember, earlier this year I have published a small guide on writing interpreters, which went over the process of implementing a basic interpreter capable of evaluating expressions consisting of numbers, operators, and variables.
This continuation of the guide further expands upon concept, outlining how to support calls, statements, and branching - enough for a small scripting language.
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Some things are numbers, some aren't
GameMaker Studio 2.2.2 released few days ago, bringing, among improvements, "GML consistency", which changes how automatic type conversion works in corner cases.
A little less known thing, together with that it also changed how GameMaker's string-to-number conversion function (real) works, having it throw an error if your string is definitely not a number.
A slight inconvenience, given that there is not a function to check if a string is a number before attempting conversion.
But, of course, that can be fixed.
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My online multiplayer mod for Caveblazers was released last week[1]!
You can download it via Steam
for free if you own the game.
This is a post about how that went.
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Recently someone pointed out that they never knew that GMEdit was made in Haxe, and that you often don't even know that something was made in Haxe. Which is a pretty good point - for instance, you might suspect that a lot of things that I do have some parts of them written in Haxe, but never exact.
So, as for my activities, I looked over the local projects and formed a semi-comprehensive list of which of my works to date were made in Haxe, and to what extent (excluding ones still under non-disclosure agreements, obviously).
Also includes an opening on why I like Haxe anyway.
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