Haxe: Neko Server-client communication example (chat)

Recently I've been searching for examples of client-server communication in Haxe, however could not find anything specific. After some search and asking around, I was pointed to sys.net.Socket class, but the actual means of usage remained unclear. It was also confirmed to mirror POSIX socket functionality. Indeed it does that, though, given that Haxe implementation uses exceptions rather than return values, usage remained uneasy.

After some experimenting, I've figured a semi-simple way of using "blocking" sockets.

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GameMaker: Circular cooldown rectangle

GameMaker: Cooldown rectangle

I do not know the exact name of this visual effect (angular/clockwise fade-in/fade-out?), but it is one of the most common things that you can see in interface of RPG and RTS games, displaying progress of construction/upgrade/ability cooldown. So, to the point...
You can read how this is actually being implemented, or just scroll down to the bottom of post and grab the code and/or GMK file.
Implementation of such is actually pretty simple, Continue reading

Love2d: Haxe: Ray-circle intersection test

By user request on Love2d IRC channel, yesterday I've made this nice function to do intersection/collision check between a ray (for clearance, here, a ray is a infinite line with starting point but no end point) and a circle.

Underlying code is fairly simple, though it does not even require understanding to use the function.

Love2d version takes advantage of multi-return values.
Haxe version has slightly longer code due for more optimal implementation of interface.

Download Haxe .hx Download Love2d .love


Does a ray-circle intersection test.
	x1, y1, di - x, y, direction (radians) of ray
	x, y, r - position & radius of circle
	result - whether collision occurred
	x - collision X
	y - collision Y
	distance - distance from ray start to collision point
function ray2circle(x1, y1, di, x, y, r)
	local vx = math.cos(di)
	local vy = math.sin(di)
	-- get relative XY of circle (relative to ray origin):
	x = x - x1
	y = y - y1
	-- rotate it based on ray direction (as if ray starts at XY=0 and goes at +X):
	local tx = x * vx + y * vy
	local ty = x * vy + y * -vx
	-- clear misses:
	if (tx < -r) or (ty > r) or (ty < -r) then
		return false, nil, nil, nil
	-- find X coordinate that line hits rotated circle at
	th = math.abs(math.cos(math.asin(ty / r))) * r
	-- too far behind
	if (tx + th < 0) then
		return false, nil, nil, nil
	-- line start is inside the circle:
	tx = tx - th
	if (tx < 0) then
		return true, x1, y1, 0
	return true, x1 + tx * vx, y1 + tx * vy, tx

Love2d: Semi-turn-based platformer

A very rushed Haxe version to demonstrate how it looks in motion.
Does not necessarily represent features of love2d version in this post.

This was originally going to be a short reply-fix for a topic on love2d forum, but it seems that author did get somewhere with figuring that out on ones own, and I've quite overdone it in terms of a simple answer, so I formatted the code nicely, added several more features, and made this example.

Just in case above demonstration does not work, this example demonstrates a specific approach to game dynamic, where game logic occurs once per interval, while things are drawn and receive input at higher rate. I do not recall any actual platformer games that would use this principle, but a good example of such game is Snake (original grid-based version).
Example includes grid-to-point collision checking, actual specific platformer behaviour (with adjustable values), and value tweening (to make player movement nice & smooth).

Download (2KB .love)

GameMaker: View following two objects at once

This example is going to be of great use for everyone making local multi-player games, as well games requiring to display two objects on screen at once generally.
Effect here is, that view is positioned and scaled (if needed), to include two given instances at once.
Example provides a single function that does this sort of trick for you, absolutely painlessly and easily.

Download GMK

GameMaker: Connectable objects

I'm not a specialist on topic of weird helicopters, but this looks like one.

This secretly awesome example provides a system to 'connect' objects together, meaning that 'child' objects will be positioned relative to their 'parent' in means of both position and rotation.

Also you can (in turn) also make those 'child' objects 'connectors', meaning potentially infinite number of 'levels' of instances behaving separately.

For ones that might have this example from my old website, it is worth checking out again, since it has been rewritten almost completely, delivering quite cleaner naming, as well as easier access to child object properties, and some optimizations.

This example can be particularly useful for games involving 'modular' vehicles, as well as multi-object bosses.

Download GMK