A very rushed Haxe version to demonstrate how it looks in motion.
Does not necessarily represent features of love2d version in this post.
This was originally going to be a short reply-fix for a topic on love2d forum, but it seems that author did get somewhere with figuring that out on ones own, and I've quite overdone it in terms of a simple answer, so I formatted the code nicely, added several more features, and made this example.
Just in case above demonstration does not work, this example demonstrates a specific approach to game dynamic, where game logic occurs once per interval, while things are drawn and receive input at higher rate. I do not recall any actual platformer games that would use this principle, but a good example of such game is Snake (original grid-based version).
Example includes grid-to-point collision checking, actual specific platformer behaviour (with adjustable values), and value tweening (to make player movement nice & smooth).
Isn’t every platformer where the character is locked to the grid an example of this?
Meaning that if the game is not using a time delta to smooth the movement then it must be calling the update less often then drawing.
Or am I missing something?
Look like a very lag server :D
Wow this is awesome
i’m gonna dl it and study it later (coz i’m a noob)
*mind blown*