C#: Get current keyboard layout\input language

Get current input language on Windows with C#

On some occasions, you may want to get a "global" input language - that is, the keyboard layout used by the current foreground window\application\whatever. Basically, simulating the behaviour of the language panel on Windows.

The common use cases are on-screen keyboards, fullscreen applications, and widgets.

While I wasn't able to find a premade function that get this particular thing during my searches, it turned out not to be too hard to assemble:

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Adding hotkeys to switch to N-th screen on Windows

Keyboard shortcuts for switching between desktops on Windows

For quite a while, the multi-screen setup on my desktop was powered by Synergy.
Which, I should say, is pretty neat, aside of it's complete unwillingness to send non-English keystrokes to additional devices.

Slightly more recently I've switched to using a more conventional dual-screen setup.
Which, of course, is more convenient (being able to drag a window to the second screen without having to sync the related media first), one thing would seem to be missing — the "hotkeys".

Moving the mouse over an entire monitor (or two) only to click something and move it back is not all that exciting, and Synergy's keyboard shortcuts for moving the mouse to N-th screen (while remembering the old position for returning) were a welcome feature.

Windows, unfortunately, does not seem to have any "built-in" keyboard shortcuts for swithing to a given screen, but that can be easily fixed with help of an AutoIt script:

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C# + .NET: Minimalistic asynchronous UDP example

Recently I have been experimenting with networking in Unity3d.

As you may know, there are various systems to aid you with building networked applications in Unity, ranging in approaches and capabilities.

However, if you are more familiar with the regular socket APIs, or just need to port a bit of existing code, you would probably rather have a couple of simple methods to send and receive data.

So here's just that, using .NET's System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient to asynchronously receive and handle data as it arrives:

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Few notes on SolidFiles

SolidFiles: File hosting without the bullshit.
— company motto. TL;DR: more like, with some bullshit.

For a while now I spend my time correcting old links to my examples hosted on SolidFiles whenever I spot one. Mostly they are on forums or my blog and I can correct them relatively easily. Sometimes I cannot edit them and they just stay like that.

Since it's no fun, and I do get complaints about leftover links somewhere every now and then, I've thought that I may as well make a small post highlighting my concerns.

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Introducing: Spelunky SD!

If you've been following me on the social networks, you may already know, that for the past three months I was working on a Spelunky Classic modification called Spelunky SD. It is a pretty broad project, implementing a number of fixes and improvements to the original game, and, most importantly, adding a 2-player cooperative online game mode.
Today, I am proud to announce the first public release of this project.
And this is a blog post about my experiences.

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Simple GameJolt API plugin for Construct 2

GameJolt API plugin for Construct 2

As you may know, there's a program called Construct 2. You can make games with it. While I'm generally not a huge fan of built-in scripting system (scene editor and idea of behaviours are pretty great though), some people make nice games with that.

Also there's Game Jolt. Game Jolt is a site you can host your games, devlogs, and related media upon. It's great. I'm not sure which of Saturn's moons you are living on if you haven't heard of it by now.

Then when two come together... you can upload Construct 2 games to GameJolt, but you cannot use any of it's quite so nice Game APIs (such as high score tables, trophies, data stores...), since, well, noone made a plugin for that so far.

Seeing that, I thought that I may as well fix that part (a bit). So I have devoted a bit of time over few days and have made a plugin that provides basic functionality, such as sending scores and trophies. Everything is pretty straight-forward and easy to get hang of.

Installation is simple also - download ZIP file below, and unzip contents (a folder called "gamejolt") into HTML5 plugins directory (Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins) in your Construct 2 installation. Upon next launch of program, GameJolt plugin will be available in "Platform specific" category alongside of Kongregate, Scirra arcade, and other items.

That's pretty much it, I guess. Download links are below. If there are any questions, feel free to ask.

GameJolt page (demo+downloads)

Update (August 2014)

Extension has been updated to include additional functions. So have been links in this post and files on GameJolt.

Minecraft: A small large bug in Lockette and LWC

Image of a stereotypical happy chest protected by Minecraft' Bukkit' Lockette server plugin

Lockette. What a wonderful server-side plugin for Minecraft' Bukkit servers. Being a plugin that allows players to protect their chests from being opened by other players, it is often the heart of survival-oriented servers, and the primary protection method for players. Unlike some other Bukkit protection plugins, it doesn't give you up if your database goes down or something else breaks. So it would seem that it would mostly prevent players from stealing items from each other...
Well, currently it does not.
Nor do some other plugins. This post explains how and why.

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Userstyle: Green fix for GameMaker Community forums

Userstyle for GameMaker Community forums, fixing theme colours back to loved green ones.

If you've been visiting GameMaker Community lately, you might've noticed that forum software update has switched the light theme to new default IPB blue theme.
That is going to be fixed soon (hopefully!), but until then, there's a small solution if you're not too keen of mixed standard blue-green-pink(?!) palette.

First, ensure that you have a browser plugin to add support for userstyle. Seems that a commonly used one is Stylish, but there are also other options.
Also ensure that forum is set to default (blue) theme.

Then, create a new style in said plugin.
"Applies to domain" field would to be set to "gmc.yoyogames.com", obviously. CSS contents can be downloaded here:

Download CSS

After clicking "Save" and refreshing page, theme will appear green-coloured, more or less mimicking the previously used green theme (except maybe slightly softer, since it's a quick CSS recolour of new standard theme).

Optionally, you can also download a ZIP archive with related files, so you can easily substitute links in CSS and host images wherever loads fastest for you.

Should be good.

Windows 7 – Changing desktop icon label colors

If you've ever disabled casting of shadows by desktop icons in Windows 7 (System - Additional system parameters - Performance), you might have noticed that it's not possible to set actual colour of icon/thumbnail captions.

It is said, that Windows decides that on it's own, judging from image colours (luminance?).

But is it always the right decision?

Probably not. Time to time I get things like these:

However, despite of it being said that this is automatic, there is is a way to influence decision of system on deciding with a colour. And it is actually a simple one.

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