On “You can’t make good HTML5 games in Haxe”

You can't make good HTML5 games in Haxe

- A phrase usually popping up when it comes to a discussion about HTML5 and Haxe. Which is complete nonsense. Not just that it is nonsense, but it's also a good measure of how little (read: none) research the author of phrase has made on the topic. I'm quite tired explaining to people, why their opinion about this is incorrect, so I've decided to group key points into a post,

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Inserting video into Tululoo game (HTML5 Canvas)

Video credit: 'asdfmovie song by LilBruceWayne'

As you may know, HTML5 standard includes <video> tag support.
This adds some crazy interesting possibilities that can be used in games as well.

A common wish is to have a video playing as part of game or as its background overall.
Here I'm going to explain methods of doing this in Tululoo.
(implementations in languages and frameworks that allow 'low-level' access to javascript would be pretty similar too)

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