This is a small blog post about how to do semi-transparent windows in Unity.
Continue reading⚂ May contain awesome.
(mouseover/click to play GIF)
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If you follow me on one or other social network, you might have seen me post this gif on April 1st.
Most readers were quick to suspect something, but what if I told you that it was more real than you might have thought?
This small post is about that.
Continue readingRecently I have been experimenting with networking in Unity3d.
As you may know, there are various systems to aid you with building networked applications in Unity, ranging in approaches and capabilities.
However, if you are more familiar with the regular socket APIs, or just need to port a bit of existing code, you would probably rather have a couple of simple methods to send and receive data.
So here's just that, using .NET's System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient to asynchronously receive and handle data as it arrives:
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