If you are working with GameMaker, you might have wandered, how to make paths similar to standard ones but in 3 dimensions, or how to efficiently draw path of non-1px width, or other things not covered by path functions.
For this reason, I have made the following function:
(technically, it is a port of my AS3 function, which in turn was built around explanation by xot)
/// bezier(position, ordinates:ds_list) var _list, _pos, _length, _index, p, c, n; _list = argument1 _length = ds_list_size(_list) _pos = max(0, min(1, argument0)) * _length; _index = min(floor(_pos), _length - 1); _pos -= _index // _pos is now (0..1) // previous\current\next value: p = ds_list_find_value(_list, max(_index - 1, 0)) c = ds_list_find_value(_list, _index) n = ds_list_find_value(_list, min(_length - 1, _index + 1)) // actual calculations (yes, you need to know the formula for these): return .5 * (((p - 2 * c + n) * _pos + 2 * (c - p)) * _pos + p + c)
- argument0 'position' is position in list (0..1). Script also handles 'out of range' problems just in case you forget to make sure it's in valid range.
- argument1 'points' is a pointer (index) of ds_list containing list of point coordinates (or rather, values, since this is a 1-dimensional array, but anyway). Normally you would want a single list and script call per each axis (2d = 2 lists, 3d = 3 lists, etc.).
list_x = ds_list_create() list_y = ds_list_create() path = path_test; for (i = 0; i < path_get_number(path); i += 1) { ds_list_add(list_x, path_get_point_x(path, i)) ds_list_add(list_y, path_get_point_y(path, i)) }
If you want to simulate exact GameMaker's behavior relating to number of points, set for-loop step to 1 / (length << precision), where length is number of points in path, and precision is 'precision' parameter of path. Initial value of loop variable should be set to half of step value.
this is a most useful game maker tutorial page i’ve found.
Thanks Yallll
now i can go on making my game with your tut :)
please , I cannot find the .gmk file , so please who has is please can share it a gain ?
Fixed. All the code was already in post though, consider investigating that next time.
Thanks for the code.
I’m expanding the script to work with closed paths, but I want understand the formula, how did you get the mathematical expression?, is really a Bézier curve?
I cannot easily locate the source material that I have used for formula, but I believe that it was a modification of cubic bézier curve formula. GameMaker’ curves are slighlty non-standard due to “handle points” being decided automatically, which probably means that you cannot particularly classify them as bezier curves of any given order.
As per closed paths, I believe that you need to taking last point’s ordientate when calculating for the first and vice versa to have that working correctly.