Tululoo: Analog Control extension (updated)

Today I've updated my Tululoo example for analog controls.
If above image isn't very illustrative, these are small on-screen circles, that can be used in applications and games to convert user input from on-screen coordinate to a vector.
In contrast to not very documented example that I've made last spring, this is now presented as an extension.
That has detailed documentation, quite cleaner structure, and more functionality (for example, now it's possible to check if a specific analog control element was pressed, similar to keyboard keys).
As one can probably guess, it also handles touch input on mobile devices accordingly, allowing multiple controllers to be interacted with at once.

Download extension+example

HTML5+JavaScript: Tiled background cache

Not much of informative demonstration, but is cross-platform and shows performance.

If you've noticed, multiple systems are better at drawing single large images than lots of small ones.
Same applies to HTML5, meaning that filling a 640x480 canvas with 40x40 images using two for() loops is not exactly a good thing to do each frame.

Common solution to this problem is to create a 'cache' image that would hold a tiled version of image to be drawn easily.
That means drawing image W*H times only once in a while.

However, actually you can do even better than this.

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