About & Contact


I'm Vadym Diachenko (also known as YellowAfterlife), a Ukrainian software engineer.

I'm best known for my work on Nuclear Throne, Nidhogg series (1, 2), Forager, and Rivals of Aether. The full list of projects includes a wider range of videogames and software.

I primarily work with C++, C#, Haxe, and GameMaker (full list of what I'm familiar with).

I also write tutorials and technical posts on this blog.


My username is yellowafterlife on most places and I can be reached in a number of ways:

  • Email: (username) @hotmail.com
  • Twitter: @yellowafterlife
  • Discord: (username)
  • Skype: (username)
    Note: I no longer check Skype too often so you'll usually have to send me a message somewhere else asking to check Skype.

Due to war in Ukraine I have limited availability, but may still be able to pick up some small work.

If you've sent me an email and have not gotten a response in several weeks, please send a follow-up to verify that it didn't get lost.

Want to inquire about guest posts, ads, or other once-in-a-lifetime offers?

But have you noticed that this is a personal blog and I have no intention of running it into the ground?

90 thoughts on “About & Contact

  1. Terrasavr+.zip 1.8 MB Version 2024-07-01 65 days ago. I download it and UnZip it when I Open the Folder up I try to Open the TerrasavrPlus JavaScript File It pop up
    Windows Script Host
    Line: 15
    Char: 197
    Error: ‘HTMLDivElement’ is undefined
    Code: 800A1391
    Source: Microsoft JScript runtime error

  2. Hey, I’ve been a big fan of a lot of the works here like Nuclear Throne Together and Terrasavr and I’ve been wondering if you plan to add a feature to the Terraria Research Tracker to filter items by pre-hardmode and hardmode? There’s a few Pre-Hardmode exclusive items that would be easy to check with a feature like this.

    • I can do that if someone finds a programmatic way to tell whether an item is pre-hardmode – tagging 4000-something items by hand doesn’t sound like a very good time.

  3. Hi Vadim, would you be able to update GML.js to use the most recent version of GM Studio 2? Some of the current functions aren’t supported.
    Thanks for it and the GMLive plugin!

    • GML changed quite a bit since GMS2.3 (not just syntax, but the structure of generated JS code), so updating GMLive.js means either weeks of work or scrapping it in favor of a different approach.

      I intend to get to it this winter if blackouts don’t get too bad.

  4. I was Told in TEdit Discord that the Character Death Count is Tied to the Player Save File can you Add a feature where you can Edited it in Terrasavr+ ?

    • Hello, I have double-checked and deaths are indeed stored in the player file.

      Added that to Terrasavr+ – you’ll want to refresh the page (or re-download if your are using an offline copy)

      • Can you Explained to me my Playtime
        Seconds 342475
        “Ticks” 355649
        Because My Playtime Shown in the Game is 95:07:55
        and THANK YOU so Much that you Added that Feature where I can Edited my Death Count and also Playtime. I see that you Saw the Feedback on Adding the Playtime as well from someone who also ask you to Add that Feature THANK for taking your Time in Adding this Feature on to the Programe too?

        • There are 60 seconds in a minute and 3600 seconds in an hour. 95 * 3600 + 7 * 60 + 55 is 342475.

          “Ticks” are fractions of a second. There are 10 million “ticks” in one second.

          I think people mostly use these to reset their playtime to zero

          • Thank You for Explaining this to me in Detail. Have you ever Consider Adding a Edit Feature to this Website for Comment for Peoples Who Type Wrong in there Comment and wanted to Edit it out to the Right Comment?

  5. Can you add a Feature where you can Edited how many time you have Die or how many Boss or Monster you Kill thank for make Terrasavr+ :)

    • That is stored in the world file rather than the player file, so you’ll want to use TEdit for that.

      • Do you know how to I don’t know where in TEdit that is I do used TEdit but I don’t know where it is?

        • Boss kills are in World Properties, and I think kills for each creature type (that are shown in Bestiary) are supposed to be in Tally, but none of my worlds are new enough to have anything in there.

          • Can you Explained to me on how to change those Number for Killing Monster and your own Death Right now my Death is 31 shown when I Type the Command /death in Game. How in TEdit I can change that?

          • I have no further knowledge to share than this, you would want to ask on TEdit support forum/Discord.

  6. Hey I sent you an email (yellowafterlife@hotmail.com) but you didn’t respond, can you see it? It’s about Gamemaker Studio 2

    • Hello, if that’s from the same address as used for your comment, I don’t have any emails form you, not even in spam folder.

  7. Hey Vadym, I just ask how can I upload and support a translation for your Terrasavr site. I have already done the translation but have no idea how to support the site with my translation.

      • Hi, I’m writing to you with a request to please release the terrasavr On android as an application and works without the Internet

        • You can download Terrasavr+ from itch, which is just a folder with a web page and images, but I’m not sure what’s the proper way of viewing downloaded web pages on Android.

          You can also use the regular web version of Terrasavr/Terrasavr+ offline – once you’ve loaded a character once (which loads the item images), the app no longer needs access to the internet and you can keep using it for as long as the tab is open.

          I recall that there was also someone’s else editor that was a little too filled with ads, but that’s how it goes on mobile.

          I would like to do an Android application for Terrasavr at some point, but no promises on when exactly that’s going to be – this is just one of the hundred-something things that I’m meaning to do.

  8. Recognised your name on the godot github. Welcome, looking forward to your thoughts on godot here on this blog!

  9. Hi, I was wondering how you made modding work in forager? Is it based on your Lua extension or something else? I want to make something similar but I’m not sure where to start and you seem like the best person to ask

    • I have a two-part tutorial on basics of writing custom scripting languages, which includes a starter project (TXR).

      The system used in Forager isn’t too unlike, just much bigger (some 14000 lines of code source-to-source-compiled from Haxe).

      It is also worth mentioning that modding in Forager doesn’t quite live up to what it’s supposed to be due to collaboration having ended abruptly – e.g. although I ported wait/fork instructions that can be seen in Nuclear Throne modding API, they were not implemented in Forager. TXR includes an example of wait-like behaviour for pausing execution, waiting for something to happen, and then resuming.

  10. Could the base code be available?

    I’m trying to do something like you, I’m actually trying, but I can’t find a way.

    seeing that if it can be achieved, maybe getting the code before compiling can be useful in my self-study in the development of tools.

    sincerely a programming student

  11. I purchased your GMLive plugin a few months back. I managed to get it to work briefly. To cut to the chase would you be so kind as to send me a template project with the plugin working. So I can use that A base for my projects and don’t have to worry about screwing anything up.

    If this is possible it would benefit me more than having a to and fro regarding the mistakes I have made have you got that option checked etc.

    I appreciate your time. Thank you in advance.

    • If you are using GMS2 or GMS2.3, the setup process outlined in the video on itch page is all you have to do.

  12. Hi

    Ive got some idea to Terrasavr (Terraria Iventory editor)
    How about preview window of your character, this might help without running Terraria game to saw how gonna charr looks like if equip items.

    • Unfortunately that would be very high-effort – I would need to bundle hundreds more images with Terrasavr (some mobile devices already run out of video memory when using the tool) and implement a wide variety of methods the game draws equipped items/dyes. I recall that there was once (around 1.2 release?) an inventory editor that did show equipped items somewhat correctly, but it didn’t survive for very long.

  13. Hi Vadim, thanks for making the cool profile editor here, I’ve been using it a few times.

    That said, it’s suddenly stopped working for me for my Journey characters. Whenever I try to load a save for my main Journey character, it says

    ‘failed to load profile, error was
    RangeError: offset is outside the bounds of the DataView
    Was it a valid character file?’

    And sure, maybe playing the game has somehow corrupted that save while still allowing to play my character. What’s really weird though, is that this happens to every new Journey character I make too. I’ve tried making a new Journey character twice, once without entering a world and once with entering a world. Both times they have the same error!

    Do you have any idea what can be going on?

    Here’s my save file in case you want to take a look: link

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