This is a "cheat sheet" for GOG.gml extension by YellowAfterlife.
The extension can be downloaded from
Source code can be found on GitHub.
An up-to-date version of this document can always be found online.

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Setting up and general notes

  • Import GOG.gml extension to your project.
  • Add a gog_init call on game start with your game's ID and secret key.
  • Add a gog_update call to a step event of a persistent object.

Most API functions can be used once user is logged in;
Stats/achievement functions require waiting for data to be ready;
Async events are dispatched as Async - Steam events with custom event types;
(GameMaker currently lacks support for custom events)
Overlay shows up when the game is ran from GOG Galaxy client.

For convenience, function names largely follow the patterns defined by GameMaker's built-in Steam API functions (GMS1, GMS2), making the migration largely a matter of replacing "steam_" by "gog_" in function names or adding a conditional call to either.

General functions

gog_init(client_id, client_secret)

Initializes GOG Galaxy API and returns whether successful.

Client ID and client secret are issued to you by GOG.


Updates async events, file operations, and other things that API needs to work.

Should be called every frame.


Returns whether the user is logged in via GOG Galaxy client.

It can take a few seconds for user to get logged in, so it may be a good idea to wait until this clear before calling other API functions.


Returns the (technical) name of the last error occurred, "" if none.

The error is reset before any API call.


Returns the description of the last error occurred, "" if none.

The error is reset before any API call.

User functions


Returns the display/persona name of local player.


Returns the local user's galaxy ID as a string (can be used with other functions here).


Returns the display/persona name of given user, or "" if it is not known (see gog_request_user_info).

gog_get_user_avatar_url(galaxy_id, avatar_size)

Returns the avatar URL for the given user.

avatar_size can be one of the following:

  • 0: Small (32x32)
  • 1: Medium (64x64)
  • 2: Large (184x184)


Requests information about the given player to be loaded asynchronously.

You don't usually have to do this because information about friends and players inside leaderboards is fetched automatically.

Additional user events

The following are the async events dispatched automatically as API initializes, with according fields of async_load.

User auth:

  • event_type: will be set to "gog_user_auth".
  • success: indicates whether auth succeeded.
  • reason: if failed, indicates reason of failure:

    • 0: Unknown reason.
    • 1: Galaxy Service is not installed or fails to start.
    • 2: Galaxy Service is not signed in properly.
    • 3: Unable to communicate with backend services.
    • 4: User that is being signed in has no license for this application.
    • 5: Unable to match client credentials (ID, secret) or user credentials (username, password).
    • 6: Galaxy has not been initialized.
    • 7: Unable to communicate with external service.

User stats:

  • event_type: will be set to "gog_user_stats".
  • success: indicates whether stats were received.

Stats and achievements


Returns whether the stats & achievements API is ready to use (data has been received).


Requests stats to be re-acquired from client.

gog_stats_ready will return false until new data is ready.


Sends updated stats & achievements back to client.

You don't usually have to do this manually unless using gog_stats_auto_submit.


By default, stats and achievements will auto-submit on changes.

If you are using them on large enough scale to cause issues, you can use this function to disable auto-submission and call gog_stats_submit by yourself to submit once you have finished the local changes.


Acquires the specified achievement, returns whether successful.


Returns whether the specified achievement is already acquired.

Returns -1 in case of error (e.g. wrong achievement name / not logged in).


Retrieves a value of a signed 32-bit integer stat.

gog_set_stat_int(name, value)

Updates a value of a signed 32-bit integer stat.

Returns whether successful.


Returns a value of a 32-bit floating point stat.

gog_set_stat_float(name, value)

Updates a value of a 32-bit floating point stat.


gog_create_leaderboard(lb_name, display_name, sort_method, display_type)

Creates or finds a leaderboard with specified name.

sort_method determines how leaderboard entries will sorted (if it is created) and can be one of the following:

  • lb_sort_none: No sorting method specified.
  • lb_sort_ascending: Top score is the lowest number.
  • lb_sort_descending: Top score is the highest number.

display_type determines how leaderboard entries are displayed in client:

  • lb_disp_none: No display method specified.
  • lb_disp_numeric: Display scores as numbers.
  • lb_disp_time_sec: Display scores as time in seconds.
  • lb_disp_time_ms: Display scores as time in milliseconds.

Unlike a similar Steam function, the operation is asynchronous and dispatches an async event when completed. async_load will contain the following fields:

  • event_type: set to "gog_leaderboard_retrieve".
  • lb_name: name of the requested leaderboard (first parameter in the function).
  • success: whether the request succeeded.
  • result: 1 if succeeded, anything else on failure.

Returns whether the async operation started (no early error).


Returns the display name of specified leaderboard.
The leaderboard must be previously retrieved via gog_create_leaderboard.

Returns "" in case of error.

gog_upload_score(lb_name, score, force_update)

Submits a score to a specified leaderboard.
The leaderboard must be previously retrieved via gog_create_leaderboard.

If force_update is set, the score overrides the previous one (if any).

Otherwise the score is only accepted if it is better (as per leaderboard's sorting method) than the previous one (or if there's none).

The operation is asynchronous and dispatches an async event when completed. async_load will contain the following fields:

  • event_type: set to "gog_leaderboard_upload".
  • lb_name: name of the leaderboard in question.
  • score: current score.
  • success: whether the request succeeded
    (note: if force_update is false and score isn't better, request "fails")
  • result: 1 if successful, anything else on failure.
  • old_rank: If successful, stores the previous rank (position in leaderboard).
  • new_rank: If successful, stores the new rank (position in leaderboard).
  • reason: If failed, stores the numeric failure code,

    • 0: unspecified error
    • 1: previous score was better and the update operation was not forced.

Returns whether the async operation started (no early error).

gog_download_scores(lb_name, start_pos, end_pos)

Fetches a number of entries from the specified leaderboard.
The leaderboard must be previously retrieved via gog_create_leaderboard.

Positions start at 1. End position is inclusive, so to fetch first 10 items you could do

gog_download_scores("best_winners", 1, 10);

The operation is asynchronous and dispatches an async event when completed. async_load will contain the following fields:

  • event_type: set to "gog_leaderboard_download".
  • lb_name: name of the leaderboard in question.
  • success: whether the request succeeded.
  • result: 1 if successful, anything else on failure.
  • numEntries: number of entries received.
  • entries: if successful, contains a string with JSON data for entries, such as

    { "entries": [
      { "user": "194040212412504931", "name": "GalaxyTest", "score": 2, "rank": 1 },
      { "user": "191102906021773312", "name": "YellowAfterlife", "score": 1, "rank": 2 }
    ] }

    where per-entry fields are as following:

    • user: GOG user ID (including bit flags) as a string.
    • name: User's display/persona name.
    • rank: User's rank (1 for first place).
    • score: User's score.

Returns whether the async operation started (no early error).

For example, if you wanted to fill out a number of leaderboard_ variables when the scores are received, you could add the following code to Async - Steam event:

if (async_load[?"event_type"] == "gog_leaderboard_download") {
	if (async_load[?"success"]) {
		var entries_map = json_decode(async_load[?"entries"]);
		var entries_list = entries_map[?"entries"];
		leaderboard_count = async_load[?"numEntries"];
		// in old versions of GMS you'd instead do
		// if (leaderboard_count > 0) leaderboard_rank[leaderboard_count - 1] = 0;
		leaderboard_rank = array_create(leaderboard_count);
		leaderboard_score = array_create(leaderboard_count);
		leaderboard_name = array_create(leaderboard_count);
		for (var i = 0; i < leaderboard_count; i++) {
			var entry = entries_list[|i];
			leaderboard_rank[i] = entry[?"rank"];
			leaderboard_score[i] = entry[?"score"];
			leaderboard_name[i] = entry[?"name"];
		show_debug_message("Got " + string(leaderboard_count) + " entries.");
	} else {
		show_debug_message("Failed to fetch entries.");

gog_download_scores_around_user(lb_name, range_start, range_end)

Much like gog_download_scores, but fetches scores relative to current user's score.

So, to fetch 2 positions before the user's score and 3 positions after, you could do

gog_download_scores_around_user("best_winners", -2, 3);


Much like gog_download_scores, but fetches scores of the current user and people on their friends-list.