YAL's Pixel Font Converter!

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Hello! This tool takes a pixel font as an image and makes an actual TTF file out of it!


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Supported browsers: Recent versions of Chrome[-ium], Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.


Privacy policy: It is actually your browser that's generating the font! You aren't transmitting it anywhere. Google Analytics are used to tell whether anyone is using the tool, provided that you don't have the browser and/or extensions blocking that.

768 - 256 + 0 = 1024 / 1024
Rules & Overrides (?)
Output & Problems (0)
THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER A LAZY DOG. the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. 0123456789
Building ($time)...
Build error! $error
Ignore this warning
Add an ignore-rule for this warning to Overrides?
Ignore this warning?
for this glyph
Add an ignore-rule for this warning on this glyph to Overrides?
Line does not start with a rule or a #comment
$rule is not a known rule
Error parsing $rule ($line, row $row): $error
Expected a hex digit, got $char
\$char is not a known escape sequence
This escape sequence can only be used where multiple glyphs are permitted
\u{ escape sequence is missing a closing }
Expected a character
Expected character(s)
Expected a number
$number is not a valid number
- in ranges should be written as \-
Missing - in a range
Missing ] in a range
Range has no glyphs in it
Unexpected text after a rule
Expected a warning name to ignore
Could not find glyph $code ($char) in the font

Duplicate bearing override for $code1 ($char1)
Previously defined here:
Duplicate kerning pair for $code1 ($char1) and $code2 ($char2)
Previously defined here:
Glyph $code ($char) is partially outside the image
Glyph $code ($char) is fully outside the image
Glyph $code ($char) is defined more than once
Defined at $row, column $col
Previously defined at row $oldRow, column $oldCol
Font does not contain a space character! Please add a glyph and use hide on it if necessary
Glyph $code ($char) extends past Ascent + Line Gap

It may overlap the line of text above it.

If many of your glyphs show this warning, you may need to adjust your Baseline and/or font metrics in the "Output" tab.

Glyph $code ($char) extends past Descent

It may overlap the line of text below it.

If many of your glyphs show this warning, you may need to adjust your Baseline and/or font metrics in the "Output" tab.