I wanted to document everything I learned (or discovered through disassembly) about Unexplored, but it turned out that there's kind of a lot.

Also see: my sigil sheet.

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On items
  • You can flask yourself some potions from cauldrons
    (these most often contain potions of gas or blood)
  • You can catch some gas if it's concentrated enough.
    (this means that vents are renewable sources of gas potions)
  • You can catch sprites and use them as portable lamps
    (note: you can dual-wield different-colored sprites for extra brightness)
  • You can get some corrosive liquid by carefully swinging at a corrosive jelly
    (maybe take your armor off first, cause, you know)
  • You can gather a variety of spilled blood from the ground.
    (creep blood is corrosive, giant white rodent blood is poison, etc.)

Never underestimate the number of things you can hack disarm:

  • Trapped chests
  • Turrets
  • Pressure plate traps
  • Mechanical spiders
  • Torches on walls (just pops them off, doesn't use charges)
On potions
Resist Fire

Protects against fire-based damage (note: some things, like fireballs, have mixed fire+magic damage) and lets you walk on lava for the duration.

Also protects from damage due to being in boiling hot water.


This one is by far the most dangerous potion - it makes you unable to hear any sound effects nor see alerts/footsteps/other visual cues for noises that enemies make. The effect is non-expiring and is only cured by drinking a potion of Life.

It is perhaps the #1 reason against drinking random potions.

On scrolls

Did you know that if you enchant a cursed item, it uncurses in process? Some cursed items lose their special effect once uncursed though.

Detect Magic

The #1 reason to save up unidentified scrolls before starting to read them.

Reveals whether each unidentified item in your inventory has a positive enchant, a negative enchant, or a curse.

Remove Curse

Uncurses all items in your inventory at once.

Hint: If an item is uncursed, that doesn't mean it's perfectly safe to use - e.g. Corrosion counts as a positive modifier, but your unprotected armor would have a different opinion.


Summons a handful of Phantom Blades, which proceed to try to stab you in the face.

If you read it while in Myst, you can have your face stabbed with more blades.

On equipment

Swords are just about the most universal melee weapons in Unexplored.

Most of them have 2x damage surprise attacks and offer both piercing and slashing damage.

Short Sword
Str: 11Max: +3CD: 1sStab: 5 piercingLunge: 7 piercing

This sword might be just a dagger for ogres.
You lunge it instead of swinging, and it deals 3x damage on surprise attacks.

Str: 12Max: +3CD: 1sStab: 5 piercingSwing: 8 slashing

A true classic.

Long Sword
Str: 14Max: +4CD: 1sStab: 6 piercingSwing: 10 slashing

A small increase in length proves surprisingly effective to making it easier to hit enemies with without them hitting you in return. Especially around the corners.

Great Sword
Str: 17Max: +5CD: 1sStab: 7 piercingSwing: 12 slashing

Another step up in requirements, length, and damage.

Giant Sword
Str: 22Max: +5CD: 1sStab: 9 piercingSwing: 15 slashing

Okay, this is getting a bit silly now.
You'll only find these in very deep dungeons, or as a drop from ice giants.
It's the biggest sword! You can out-swing anyone with it.

Str: 11Max: +3CD: 0.75sStab: 5 piercingLunge: 8 piercing

It's a sword, which is like a spear, except it's also fast.
Deals 3x damage on surprise attacks, making it an excellent stealth weapon.
Low strength requirements mean that the damage scales pretty well.

Str: 11Max: +3CD: 0.5sStab: 3 piercingSwing: 8 slashing

A smaller, faster sword.

Str: 14Max: +3CD: 0.5sStab: 4 piercingSwing: 10 slashing

A slightly bigger fast sword. Merfolk use these often.

Orc Sword
Str: 15Max: +3CD: 1sSwing: 11 slashing

What is a sword if you can't stab foes with it?
Surprised that this one doesn't do slashing+crushing damage, as it seems that you kind of just whack your foes with it.


Spears offer better range, but at a price:

  • They are generally slower than swords.
  • They have no "mastery" ring type like swords/axes/maces do.
  • Most of them only deal 1.5x damage on surprise attacks, making them less beneficial to use as a stealth weapon.
Str: 12Max: +3CD: 2.5sStab: 3 piercingLunge: 10 piercing

Vanilla version. A good asset early on for out-ranging enemies.

Stabbing deals 3x damage on surprise attacks, supposedly to make it less worthless.

Str: 15Max: +3CD: 2.5sStab: 8 piercingLunge: 12 piercing

Can be considered a direct upgrade from a regular spear.

Stab damage is no longer miserable, but with only 1.5x surprise attacks.

Merfolk carry these often.

Pole Axe
Str: 16Max: +3CD: 2.5sStab: 6 piercingLunge: 14 piercing/slashing

Just a little longer than a trident, but stabbing surprise attacks deal 2x damage.

The other distinctive quality is that lunging does both piercing and slashing damage, making it non-useless against skeletons and other stab-resistant foes.

Please note that, while it has "axe" in the name, Melee attribute does not affect it.

Bigger gargoyles sometimes carry these.

Str: 12Max: +3CD: 2.5sStab: 3 piercingSwing: 10 slashing

A spear that you swing like a sword.
So it doesn't have the lunge range of spears nor the speed of swords.

Boggards (frog folks) sometimes carry these.

Str: 11Max: +3CD: 0.75sStab: 5 crushingSwing: 5 crushing

Quarterstaves are a peculiar weapon.

Coming almost exclusively from secret/challenge chests, these often have powerful enchantments applied to them.

And they deal crushing damage. And they are much faster than other spears.

Str: 12Max: +3CD: 2.5sStab: 4 piercingLunge: 6 piercing

Formally a spear, though more of a short sword variant.
Has dagger-like 3x surprise attack damage though.

Str: 15Max: +3CD: 1.5sSwing: 12 slashingSurprise: 1.5x
Str: 13Max: +3CD: 1sSwing: 10 slashingSurprise: 2x

A smaller, slightly faster axe.

You can get one of these by defeating the goblin butcher.

Str: 18Max: +3CD: 1.5sSwing: 16 slashingSurprise: 1.5x
Giant axe
Str: 20Max: +3CD: 1.5sSwing: 18 slashingSurprise: 1.5x

Mostly only pried from an ice giant's cold, (hopefully dead) hands.

Str: 12Max: +3CD: 1sSwing: 9 crushingSurprise: 2x
Morning Star
Str: 13Max: +3CD: 1sSwing: 10 slashing/crushingSurprise: 1.5x

This one effectively doubles as an axe, but is faster than an average axe.

Str: 16Max: +3CD: 1sSwing: 12 crushingSurprise: 1.5x
Str: 11Max: +0CD: 1sSwing: 6 crushingSurprise: 1.5x

A poor man's mace. You can't enchant it at all.

Spiked Club
Str: 11Max: +0CD: 1sSwing: 7 slashing/crushingSurprise: 1.5x

This one's a bad morning star.

Heavy Club
Str: 20Max: +0CD: 1sSwing: 13 crushingSurprise: 1.5x

Various oversized enemies tend to carry these.

Spiked Heavy Club
Str: 20Max: +0CD: 1sSwing: 13 slashing/crushingSurprise: 1.5x

Same as above, but with slashing damage too.

Huge Club
Str: 25Max: +0CD: 1sSwing: 18 crushingSurprise: 1.5x

Cyclops carries this one.
Might also be the only entity with enough strength to use it.

Daggers and other throwables
Str: 10Max: +3CD: 1sStab: 5 piercingRanged: 5 piercing

Daggers are the shortest-range weapon in the game, but have 3x surprise attacks, making them an option for stealth.

Small Shield
Str: 10Max: +2CD: 1.25sBlock: 6 piercing/slashing/crushing
Str: 12Max: +3CD: 1.85sBlock: 9 piercing/slashing/crushing
Great Shield
Str: 14Max: +4CD: 2.5sBlock: 12 piercing/slashing/crushing
Light Armor
Leather Armor
Str: 10Max: +2CD: 2sBlock: 2 piercing/slashing
Scale Mail
Str: 11Max: +2CD: 2.5sBlock: 3 piercing/slashing/crushing

You can later buy this at the entrance shop and it's pretty nice - especially for classes that start without armor.

Orc Chain Mail
Str: 12Max: +2CD: 2.5sBlock: 3 piercing/slashing

It's worse than regular chain mail and also you can't sneak in it.

Chain Mail
Str: 12Max: +2CD: 2.5sBlock: 4 piercing/slashing
Splinted Armor
Str: 14Max: +2CD: 3sBlock: 5 piercing/slashing/crushing

It's "light armor", but you can't sneak in it.
Good if you weren't using a cape anyway.

Heavy Armor
Boiled Leather Breastplate
Str: 12Max: +3CD: 3sBlock: 50% 5 piercing/slashing/crushing
Str: 13Max: +3CD: 4sBlock: 50% 8 piercing/slashing/crushing
Full Plate
Str: 16Max: +3CD: 6sBlock: 75% 12 piercing/slashing/crushing
Rusty Plate
Str: 16Max: +0CD: 7sBlock: 65% 6 piercing/slashing/crushing

You'll usually find this in combination with Cloak of Movement (which prevents you from being encumbered by armor), but it's not particularly good past the first few floors.

Half Plate
Str: 14Max: +3CD: 5sBlock: 50% 7 piercing/slashing/crushing
Stone Armor
Str: 18Max: +2CD: 5sBlock: 50% 10 piercing/slashing

Gargoyles use this.

Orc Plate
Str: 15Max: +1CD: 5sBlock: 50% 6 piercing/slashing/crushing
Merman Armor
Str: 15Max: +2CD: 4sBlock: 50% 6 piercing/slashing/crushing
Str: 8Max: +2CD: 1sBlock: 30% 2 piercing/slashing/crushing
Full Helmet
Str: 12Max: +3CD: 2sBlock: 35% 4 piercing/slashing/crushing
Orc Crown
Str: 10Max: +3CD: 2sBlock: 30% 3 piercing/slashing/crushing
On recipes
Potion of Life: Potion of Healing + Dragon Scale

If your dungeon has a plenty of wyrms, you can get yourself plenty of max health.

Potion of Strength: Troll Blood + Ogre Heart

If you leave a floor and come back, troll blood vanishes, so maybe flask it off the ground even if you haven't seen any ogres yet.

Antidote: Poison Blood + Ration

Still cheaper than waiting out poisoning from a rat bite.

Drain magic: Orc tooth + Electric jelly

You have to swing a flask on a living jelly.
A little exotic, wouldn't you agree

Invisibility: Sulphur + Holy Water

Holy water is found in some temples of Lady Sophie.

Tea: Tea leaves + Hot Water

Instantly restores 5 health upon drinking it.

Repair metal armor: iron ore + corroded armor

Note that non-metal armor (such as leather) cannot be repaired.


Meteoritic weapons are crafted from sigils and meteoritic iron on Forge of Destiny.

todo: Some weapons have additional damage/protection effects.

(1x + Metal)Dagger +1
Str: 10Max: +3CD: 1sStab: 7 piercingRanged: 7 piercing
(2x + Metal)Sword +1
Str: 12Max: +3CD: 1sStab: 7 piercingSwing: 10 slashing
(3x + Metal)Great Sword +1
Str: 17Max: +5CD: 1sStab: 9 piercingSwing: 14 slashing
(2x + Earth)Mace +1
Str: 12Max: +3CD: 1sSwing: 12 crushingSurprise: 2x
(3x + Earth)Warhammer +1
Str: 16Max: +3CD: 1sSwing: 15 crushingSurprise: 1.5x
(2x + Life)Cuirass +1
Str: 13Max: +3CD: 4sBlock: 50% 12 piercing/slashing/crushing
(3x + Life)Plate +1
Str: 17Max: +5CD: 6sBlock: 75% 12 piercing/slashing/crushing
On identification
  • If you can see that an unidentified melee weapon is protected from corrosion, it is most likely Rust and usually cursed.

    Rust is a curious modifier - on one hand, your weapon will deal corrosive damage, meaning that immune-to-normal damage foes can be hit with it, but it also has a chance to (attempt to) corrode one of your own equipped metal items. So you'll have to either use a Protect scroll on them, or take them off while using the Rust item.

    Uncursing the item will not remove the modifier from it, just in case.

  • If you find a scroll/potion on top of a book, and the book reads "oh, I just need to use a thing of X for this puzzle", that's warranted to be the mentioned thing.
  • If you encounter a door activated by a timer button and leaving to an enclosed space (in other words, a place where you can get stuck), one of the containers will have a scroll of Descent or Teleport, usually as the first item.
    However, most often you have just enough time to run in, loot a container, and run out without getting locked in there, getting you the goods and a hint for a scroll.
  • Items from secret (blue) chests and pedestal puzzles are substantially less likely to be cursed than such from any random chest.
  • The safest way to drink an unidentified potion is while standing on edge of deep/shallow water with no metal weapons/armor equipped and while having a spare potion of Life,

    • If it's Incineration/Explosion, the water will put the fire out, dealing a minor amount of damage to you;
    • If it's one or other gas, you can dive into the deep water and wait for it to fade.
    • If it's Corrosion, it's all good - you had nothing to get corroded.
    • If it's Deafness, you'll need that potion of Life for later.

  • Reading unidentified scrolls is relatively safe - you only want to stand in a non-small space (in case it's Pain).

    Ideally you would weight your remaining unknown positive-effect scrolls and act accordingly - for example, if you are yet to identify Detect Magic, you might want to have some unidentified items in your inventory and/or be on a floor with a plenty of chests.

On puzzles

Hints for puzzles can be found in on-ground books and on wall signs, so look for those.


  • If a 4-slot puzzle involves marble figurines, after solving it you can take a marble owl, potentially saving you some searching if you encounter a 1-slot marble owl door later in the dungeon.
On traps
  • If a bookshelf is trapped, just smash it with a heavy weapon or burn it.
    Same goes for chests, except slightly harder to smash.
  • If a floor has more traps than usual, you might want to avoid walking straight lines door to door, as one tile away from a door/chest is where traps are most commonly positioned.
  • If you've encountered a mimic on a floor, there are most definitely more mimics, so pay attention to whether chests are making "whirr..." noises before opening them (or just hit every chest with a weapon to be sure)
On sigils

This section is mostly a breakdown of noteworhy combinations from the sigil sheet.


Melee weapons: higher chance of critical damage with a bonus.
More useful on weapons with high crits (rapiers, daggers)

Axes, hammers, swords, daggers: Add a second sigil for 50% chance to disarm.
Sort of handy if you need that but have no Metal sigils for staff of disarm.

Staves: Blinking (teleportation).
Under normal circumstances, you should never have to craft a staff of blinking.

Shields: Blocks hits from all directions, charge-based.
Add a second sigil for healing from some hits (melee only? Not as good as it sounds)

Armor, rings, amulets: Wards against bleeding (2 times/level)
Add a second sigil (except for heavy armor) to also half the slashing damage you take (good if you have a tendency of taking an axe to the face?)

Cloaks: Wards against bleeding (2 times/level)
However! Add a second sigil, and you get cloak of Mending - a cloak that heals you over time! Doesn't recharge by itself (use scrolls of recharge or Wizardry items instead)


Melee weapons: Essentially an equivalent of 3x Enchant + Protect.
Something to use on an already-good weapon (rapier, great sword, pole axe, etc.).
Depending on weapon, you may be able to further bump it to +5.
Additional Metal sigils can be used to also grant bleeding (charge-based) and lowered cooldown.

Staves: Disarm.
Plenty of enemies and bosses aren't worth much without their weapons.

Armor: Underwhelming - doesn't bump damage reduction.
Stick to scrolls of Enchant instead.


There's a remarkable thing about imbuing a cloak with an Earth sigil - if you start sneaking near a wall, you will continue sneaking even if you equip a light source. This allows to use it for sudden attacks with fire-based and holy items.

On rings

Did you know? You can hold rings in your hands and they still work.
Truly a blessing for one-handed combat.

On enemies
Plants (the hostile kind)

Despite most of these having omnidirectional shots, they will only shoot at you if you are in front of the flower, thus allowing you to circle them.

Small lizard
HP: 5Melee: 5 piercingReach: 6 piercing/slashing

This lizard looks cute up until it smacks you with its tongue.

If you do not have a shield to block with, always keep your distance until the lizard whips it's tongue, and only then attack (tongue cooldown is about 2.5s)

HP: 12Melee: 8 piercingReach: 6 piercing/slashing

This one's a bit larger, evidently its chompers are bigger too.

HP: 12Melee: 8 piercingReach: 6 piercing/slashing

Changes its general color to match surroundings.
Still not too hard to see, but be careful.

Aquatic lizard
HP: 12Melee: 8 piercingReach: 6 piercing/slashing

It moves much faster in the water, but otherwise not too threatening.

Shadow lizard
HP: 12Melee: 8 piercingReach: 6 piercing/slashing

This lizard is able to teleport behind you once per 4 seconds, and successfully does so whenever you try to attack it. Why are you fighting lizards anyway?

Big lizard
HP: 50Melee: 12 piercingReach: 10 piercing/slashing

Big lizards have more health and hit harder. Often found sleeping in open spaces.

Bull lizard
HP: 50Melee: 12 piercingReach: 10 piercing/slashing

This lizard can charge! Charging lets it move faster for a bit, and, should you be in the way, you'll take about 10 damage, knockback, and might get poisoned. So don't do that.

HP: 8 (3 def)Melee: 8 piercing
Blue Beetle
HP: 12 (3 def)Melee: 8 piercingRanged: 5 magic

It's blue, which means that it's filled with magic.

todo: Big Beetles


Bats fear fire, and also fear being poked in the face with pointy objects, so they will not attack you while you are holding a stabby weapon in their direction.

Using a scroll of Light damages all nearby bats, but this is usually excessive.

Small Bat
HP: 5Melee: 5 piercing

The most common variant. These commonly come in small swarms.

If you are using a sword or have an axe/mace in the secondary weapon slot, swinging that is a pretty effective way to hit a lot of bats at once.

Fire Bat
HP: 20Melee: 8 piercing

If you kill this bat while it's glowing orange, it'll explode.

Chill Wind Bat
HP: 20Melee: 8 piercingRanged: Magic

Flies around, makes wind, occasionally casts magic bolts.

HP: 20Melee: 4 piercingMelee: ?
Nightmare Boar
HP: 40Melee: 10 piercingMelee: ?

Hits hard, makes smoke, vulnerable to light.

Sometimes you get a floor full of these and it's not a good time.


Resistant to piercing damage


These fly around in stone armor, which has 50% chance to block 10 piercing/slashing/magic damage, and wield a variety of swords and axes.

The undead

9/10 chance to revive.
4/10 chance to revive if White Wizard is already killed.
Does not revive if killed with holy weapons?


These fly, teleport, cast spells, and are overall kind of inconvenient.

Screaming skull

Deals 18 damage if you let it smash into you full-speed.

Phantom Blade
HP: 1Melee: 5 piercingMelee: 8 piercing

You get these for reading a scroll of Pain, from traps, or select enemies.

The most important thing to keep in mind about this is that, while it may look like a flying sword, it is actually a goblin-sized ghost holding a sword, therefore you need to aim at where the handle is.

Since it has literally 1 health, throwing a dagger (or even a torch) at it proves sufficient.

If you don't have either, you'll want a longer-range weapon (spear, long sword) to avoid taking damage.

On bosses
Goblin butcher

Wields a unique cleaver (10 slashing, increased bleeding chance) and a dagger.

Has cursed leather armor of gluttony, just in case you were going to put that on.

Monstrous Bat
HP: 50 (2 def, +3/s)Melee: 15 piercing

Breathes acid, summons more bats.

Doesn't drop anything, but not a hard fight.

Fire ant queen
HP: 75 (3 def)Melee: 10 piercingRanged: Fire

Breathes fire, lays eggs, can do a short-range stun now and then.

Drops a carapace, which can be forged with a leather breastplate into

Fire Ant Armor

Str: 11Max: +0CD: 3sBlock: 3 piercing/slashing/crushing

A distinctive property of fire ant armor is that it makes you more or less immune to fire - you can't walk over lava, but you cannot be set on fire or damaged by pure fire.

Spider queen
HP: 50 (5 def)Melee: 15 piercingRanged: Poison

Hits hard, shoots poison, lays blade spider eggs.

I'm not saying that you should burn down the entire section of the level where she resides, but it's probably the only safe way.

Drops a fang, which can be forged with a scimitar into a

Fang (weapon)

Str: 12Max: +0CD: 0.5sStab: 7 piercingSwing: 10 slashing

Also does poison damage in both cases.

Lounge lizard
HP: 70Melee: 12 piercingRanged: Lightning

This lizard teleports and shoots bouncy lightning bolts (single or sets of 3).

Since the lizard's magic abilities have relatively low cooldown, stealth or general "hit around the corner" approaches are preferable.

Drops a Sigil of Magic when defeated.

The Amphibian
HP: 70Melee: 12 piercingRanged: Water

This lizard casts the kind of magic that teleports you into a random deep pool.

Drops a Sigil of Water when defeated.

Kobold Nine-Jah
HP: 25Melee: ScimitarRanged: Shurikens

This kobold has a scimitar, a cool cloak, and 6 shurikens.

The cloak can be:

  • Strength -2 (cursed? Can't recall)
  • Nimbleness +2
  • Stealth +2
  • Stealth +3

There's also a Steam achievement for killing enough things with shurikens.
The shurikens have a ~1/10 chance to break on hit so use them wisely.

Kobold Boomer
HP: 25Melee: N/ARanged: Oh no

This kobold has a top hat and a Blunderbuss.

A blunderbuss is essentially a gravel shotgun - very short range and high damage.

In other words, should you let yourself be shot with it point-blank, you might find yourself dead before you could use a healing potion.

Kobold Archmage
HP: 40Melee: Scimitar +1Ranged: Fire
  • Knows a few fire spells
    (a potion of Resist Fire and a note are usually on the same level)
  • Immune to fire
  • Wears a cloak of Wizardry +1 (magic damage reduction, recharge)
  • The scimitar may be of Wild Fire
    (in other words, try poking fish with it first)
  • Carries a few random scrolls
  • The room has bookhselves with scrolls and potions

Looks like a regular wolf up until it gets up on two legs.

Deals 10 piercing+slashing damage per swing. About 60 health; 3 armor.

Immune to normal damage IIRC? You'll usually get a silver sword before the encounter.

Heartless ogre

Can only be killed by finding his heart, which is in a chest somewhere on the same floor, and dumping the heart into the nearest lava pool (doesn't have to be on the same floor).

Unfortunately, doesn't drop anything interesting - a bit of gold, a heavy club, and his perfectly regular cloak.

Orc king

Has an Orc Sword of Cutting+1 and a big axe.
And a crown! Putting the crown on is a requirement for one of the Steam achievements.

Orcs on the floor will keep reviving until you kill him.

Seeds (1.19.5):

  • 155317387, Hard, Puzzles, Bosses.
    Resides on floor 6, accessed by crossing the lava on floor 5.
    You get two potions of resist fire just in time, and a frost Sword+2 from an earlier level, so this poses little trouble.
Wicked witch

Has a hat of Lore +1, a cloak of Lore +1, a scimitar, and a few potions.

Casts poison projectiles. Has about 70 health.

White mage

His hat might be white but he's responsible for walkers in the dungeon!

Wears a hat of Lore+1, a cloak of Lore+1, and a staff of Fireball (how much fireball, you ask? Given his hesitation to fire it in close range, probably +3 or more).
What I'm saying here is that it's safer for you to take him out with stealth.

About 70 health and no armor/regeneration, so is not too bad.

Also wields an Ice Sword. It's pretty much a Great Sword +3, but with cold damage. And also it quickly melts in non-icy levels, so don't expect to get much use out of it.


Holds a staff of Steal Life, can summon and buff skeletons.

That is, if you don't stab him to death first. Which doesn't take much because he has 70 health and no actual weapons/shield/armor.

Nilrem The Conjurer
HP: 100 (+15/s)Ranged: OhRanged: Oh no

So you are making your way through the dungeon, and your read that there's this fella holding a key to wherever it was, and you decide to stop by and bonk him on the head real fast, and then comes the sudden realization of what did you get yourself into.

Nilrem is pretty much a pure test of how fast you can deal damage - he regenerates health at insane pace, summons swarms of phantom blades, and may teleport away, leaving you to a storm of magic meteors.

He wears a cloak of Wizardry+1 (which halves the magic damage) and holds a bunch of random scrolls. The floor that he's on is usually a bit of a hellscape - boiling water, freezing water, lava, Myst, or traps. Either for extra security or as a hint that dungeon builders aren't fond of Nilrem either.

You have a few options here:

  • Fireball +5

    No one is safe from the warm embrace of Fireball +5, not even Nilrem.

    Two shots in quick succession will do the trick.

  • Stunlock

    A staff of Stunning, or, if you are feeling lucky, a hammer/sword of Stunning can help you keep Nilrem in place as you do your best to beat him up.

    Do note, however, that you may also need some potions of Drain Magic, and that you'll still need >15 damage/second total.

Seeds (1.19.5):

  • 1855329806, Hard, Puzzles, Bosses
    This seed is decent. You get more than enough staves to make Fireball+5.
    Conjurer resides on a main route depth 10, on a level filled with lava, boiling water, and blinking spiders.
  • 281186124, Desolate, Puzzles, Bosses
    This is rougher. Conjurer's chambers are depth 9 and have a little too much freezing water - not to mention Myst-filled rooms, which can turn a fight against a single acolyte into a big disaster.
Guardian of Yendor
HP: 1000 (2 def, +3/s)Melee: 15..30Ranged: ~20

Wields a big sword (of Lighting?) and a short sword of mastery, has Thorns, can't be disarmed, teleports slightly inconveniently. If you have plenty of ranged/magic items and/or stun, you can get rid of the guardian, but usually you don't have to.

Red dragon
HP: 200 (4 def)Melee: 12 piercing/slashingRanged: Fire
Green dragon
HP: 120 (4 def)Melee: 12 piercing/slashingRanged: Fire

This dragon has less health, but makes up for it by being able to heal time to time.

Blue dragon
HP: 200 (1 def)Melee: 15 piercing/slashingRanged: Teleportation bolts
White dragon
HP: 200 (4 def)Melee: 15 piercing/slashingRanged: Lightning & meteors
Black dragon
HP: 200 (4 def)Melee: 15 piercing/slashingRanged: Lightning & meteors
Bone dragon
HP: 200 (2 def, +5/s)Melee: 15 piercing/slashingRanged: Poison & blades

Breathes poison and summons 3 phantom blades at a time.

Mechanical dragon

Very akin to big mechanical spider, except more dangerous.
Arguably, this is the easiest dragon that you can get.

Much like with the spider, you have to run around and press all the buttons to power the dragon off before you can destroy it. Each button spawns a blinking spider, so having a potion of invisibility might be handy.

Destroying the dragon creates a Fireball+5 like explosion. In other words, make sure to stand at least a screen away - otherwise not even a potion of fire resistance will save you.