This is a "cheat sheet" for the "PRNG" extension by YellowAfterlife.

The extension can be found on

Check out the blog post for the big write-up!

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  • Constructor-based RNGs are used like this:

    var rng = new MINSTD();
    rng.setSeed(1234); // don't forget!
    var num = rng.intRange(1, 6);
  • Array-based RNGs are used like this:

    var rng = minstd_create();
    minstd_set_seed(rng, 1234); // don't forget!
    var num = minstd_int_range(rng, 1, 6);

    The same as constructors, but with underscores and in snake_case.

  • Global-state RNGs are used like this:

    minstd_set_seed(1234); // don't forget!
    var num = minstd_int_range(1, 6);

    The same as arrays, but you don't pass an RNG struct/array to the functions.

  • Macro-based RNGs are used like this:

    var num = 1 + floor(m_minstd_float(6));
    state = m_minstd_var;

Each RNG has the following functions:


Constructor-based generators can be constructed without arguments, like this:

var rng = new MINSTD();
var result = rng.intRange(1, 6);

Don't forget to call setSeed before you use the generator!


The C++ extension has a destructor function for each generator that should be called to free up the associated memory on C++ side when you're done using the generator.


Returns the next "raw" value from the generator.

The expected values are:

  • Between 1 (inc.) and 2147483646 (inc.) for MINSTD
  • Between 1 (inc.) and 2147483647 (inc.) for Rand0
  • Any 64-bit integer except 0 for Xorshift64
  • Between 0 (inc.) and 4294967295 (inc.) for WELL512.

Note: This is called *_set_seed in snake_case functions

Sets the random number generator seed.

Allowed value ranges vary by generator and are the same as in next.

For WELL512, you might also write your own function that initializes the state based on a larger input string/buffer.


Writes the state of this RNG to a buffer (using buffer_write).


Reads the state of this RNG from a buffer (using buffer_read).


Returns a fractional random number between 0 and 1 (ex.).

Depending on the algorithm, 0 may be returned.


Returns a fractional random number between 0 and max (ex.).

Depending on the algorithm, 0 may be returned.

floatRange(min, max)​

Note: This is called *_float_range in snake_case functions

Returns a fractional random number between min and max (ex.).

Depending on the algorithm, min may be returned.


Returns an integer between 0 (inc.) and max (inc.).

Depending on the generator, the output can be either a real or an int64 for performance reasons.

Note: if you need to use this function to generate values in a range larger than what the generator's next function can return, consider generating two smaller integers and combining them to avoid range/precision loss.

intRange(min, max)​

Note: This is called *_int_range in snake_case functions

Returns an integer between min (inc.) and max (inc.).

See above for generating integers in very large ranges.

WELL512 specifically also includes the following:


Note: This is called *_int_gm in snake_case functions

Returns an integer between 0 (inc.) and max (inc.).

This matches the way GameMaker's irandom function works (by stacking bits of two integers together).


Note: This is called *_int_range_gm in snake_case functions

Returns an integer between min (inc.) and max (inc.).

This matches the way GameMaker's irandom function works (by stacking bits of two integers together).


Macro-based PRNG implementations have a smaller API because GM macros have limitations.

I'll use MINSTD as an example here.


This declares a local variable for the PRNG macros and sets it to state.


This statement-macro advances the PRNG state.

This should be inserted before retrieving the result, or can be used alone to "skip" over states.


This value-macro holds the local variable made for the PRNG macros.

You can use it to access the state after you're done generating values and need to store it until the later use.

// ... do some work
state = m_minstd_var;
DIY functions
DIY functions

I couldn't decide on whether I should include a bunch of identical functions in each generator so I'm going to tell you how these are supposed to work:



/// @param ...agrs
function choose() {
    return argument[ - 1)];


/// @param rng
/// @param ...agrs
function choose() {
    return argument[1 + - 2)];
Weighted "choose"

I wrote a post about this.

/// @param ...chance_value_pairs
function choose_weighted() {
    var n = 0;
    for (var i = 1; i < argument_count; i += 2) {
        if (argument[i] <= 0) continue;
        n += argument[i];
    n = rng.float(n);
    for (var i = 1; i < argument_count; i += 2) {
        if (argument[i] <= 0) continue;
        n -= argument[i];
        if (n < 0) return argument[i - 1];
    return argument[0];

GameMaker defines the function something like this:

global.__time_start = date_second_span(25569, date_current_datetime()) * 1000_000;
function randomize() {
    var t = global.__time_start + get_timer();
    var s = ((t >> 32) + (t & 0xffff_ffff))
            ^ ((t >> 16) & 0x0000_ffff)
            ^ ((t << 16) & 0xffff_0000);
    return s;

(or this in HTML5, except that's wrong at the time of writing)

This isn't 100% accurate for what happens on game [re-]start, but we don't get any other high-precision timing functions, so it is what it is.


random_get_seed returns the last seed that was passed to the RNG (either using random_set_seed or randomize), which is not very useful and was most commonly misused as people thought that doing

var s = random_get_seed();
var a = random(10);
var b = random(10);

would store/restore the PRNG state and match the value between a and b.

You would want save / load for that.

Rarer topics
Rarer topics
Mixing generators

If you want to use both struct-based GML and struct-based C++ versions of the same RNG at once, rename one of the constructors.

If you want to use array-based and/or single-instance global or GML and C++ based versions of either at once, find-replace the RNG prefix (like minstd_ for MINSTD) in the script.

I do not recommend trying to rename functions in the native extension unless you know what you're doing.

Using raw pointers
Using raw pointers

Raw pointer API offers the most performance you can squeeze out of the C++ extension at cost of not performing any data validation.

That is, if you destroy a PRNG and then attempt to call a function on it, your game will most likely crash.

Obtaining pointers

If you are using a struct API, the pointer is stored in the __ptr__ variable:

var rng = new WELL512();
rptr = rng.__ptr__;

If you are using an array-based API, the pointer is stored in the second item of the array:

var rng = well512_create();
rptr = rng[1];
Using pointers

Raw pointer functions are named exactly like the array-based API functions but with a _raw suffix:

well512_set_seed_raw(rptr, 1234);
var roll = well512_int_range_raw(rptr, 1, 6);

Raw save/load functions take a buffer address and position so perhaps don't call these manually unless you really have to.